
目前顯示的是 3月, 2008的文章


A podcast is a collection of digital media files which is distributed over the Internet , often using syndication feeds , for playback on portable media players and personal computers . The term podcast, like " broadcast ", can refer either to the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also termed podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. Above, there is the meaning from the vikipedia. However, I know some of them are interested in the TOEFL. If you have a chance, you could order some "RSS" to acquire information. In the past, there may be single information from the broadcast. If you order RSS of podcast, you would get more information, not just single information. Maybe you could give it a try! There is a vedio from YouTube. You may take it for reference.

How do I learn Englsih?

Today, we will discuss how to learn English? Since I was an elementary school student, I have enjoyed learning English. The most important element is that I was affected by many English teachers. They treated me very well that I always got high scores on English tests. As I was a child, I have dreamed that I would become an English teacher. However, I learned English through two ways, including basic and nature. You may be shocked by what I said. What's the big difference between the two? I mean I learn by writing down ABC and memorize these words and pronunciation. The second way is that I learn English by enjoying it and playing a lot of games. Of course, I like the second way because I was influenced by it a lot. Always we would have a lot of competitions that help us learn English. I like some competitions. When you win in the end, you would get more stickers that the other one. Some would recommend that competitions are not proper for all students. In my opinion, I think some


昨天 看什麼"三隻小豬" 就聽到阿信在那邊講"戀愛石"。。。 害我也好想去試試看!!就是 你從這段閉著眼睛走到另外一端 要摸到石頭才算數喔!! 這樣 表示你ㄉ姻緣 會很順。。矛盾ㄉ我。。 就覺得 一個人 就想有人聽我說話 懂我 了解我。。但是 兩個人的時候 又覺得 一個人比較好。。。 這是怎樣ㄚ?並不是想要什麼。。 只是 期許自己 也當一個懂自己 也懂別人的人。。這次。。 我會 謹慎 哈哈! 因為 讓你選擇ㄉ太多 也會讓你不知 從何選擇而起!!我喜歡 簡單的感覺。。。 或許 你知道吧!!哇哈哈。。。。。。跟你們說  你們覺得 要加油。 。 但這次 我想要順其自然。。不是對"愛情" 沒有信心。。 或許 我要有信仰  相信  "他" 會出現ㄉ但是是在對的時刻。。。。。。我想要在對的時間遇到對的 而且 適合的 lover!!哈哈 所以 我會很龜毛吧!!!畢竟 上次 ㄉ傷 太痛 記憶 太深刻了!!讓你久久無法忘懷。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。但是 我還是 祝福你和她。。。 在我心中 已經釋懷了! 是時間。。人阿。。。 真是奇怪ㄉ動物。。。 哇哈哈= =但是 如果有機會 我還是會想去試試看。。。。。。。。。。。。。畢竟。。。愛情我還是抱持著 樂觀的態度。。。